Auto Glass Toronto: Types of Car Scratches

10/11/2020 07:43
Besides breaking your auto glass Toronto, your car may suffer from other damages, with the most popular being car scratches. These come in various types, and each has a different severity level. Besides being ugly, car scratches promote rusting, cost you in fixing charges, and lower your car's value. That said, here are three categories of car scratches every car owner should know about.
Clear Coat Scratches
These are the most superficial scratches you can ever come across in your car. They occur on the topmost layer of the vehicle, which acts as a protective coat to help keep the paintwork as neat as possible. This layer provides protection against weather elements such as UV damage, snow, rain, and hail, among others. While a scratch on this surface does not get to the paintwork, you will not require a touch-up paint job yet. However, fix the scratch as soon as possible to avoid exposing paint to harmful weather conditions.
Primer Scratches
These are scratches that touch the paint layer directly below the clear coat. The primer is a second protective paint layer that helps maintain a car's paint job clean and tidy. Unlike the clear coat scratch, damage scratches on the primer will alter and damage your vehicle's colour and appearance. It must be fixed immediately at the auto glass Toronto shop to restore a smooth surface and improve your car's aesthetics.
Paint Scratches
This are the most severe forms of scratches any car can sustain. When this level of damage occurs, a car owner must break the touch paint kit. When this scratch occurs, the car metal is left exposed. This scratches often result from keys, rocks, and auto collisions. They are the hardest to fix, and they can cause massive damage to the car if not properly fixed at your auto glass Toronto.
While there are plenty of do-it-yourself ideas on fixing all of the above scratches, it is best to leave it for professionals. This not only ensures that your car gets a perfect finish but also sustains its value.